Lord Jesus, I surrender to You and in the power of Your Spirit, I will...
Go where You want me to go,
Do what You want me to do,
Say what You want me to say,
Give what You want me to give.
This is a bold prayer. Pray this, and you're going out into dark water. Pray this, and you will be challenged. Pray this, and your life is no longer your own.
In a culture of self-sufficiency, broadcasting feelings on a whim for the whole Internet to see, and being taught to "be yourself," living a life for someone or something else is not a common idea, nor may it appear appealing at first or even easy. It's not easy. But "instead of dependence on ourselves, we express radical desperation for the power of his Spirit, and we trust that Jesus stands ready to give us everything we ask for so that he might make much of our Father in the world."
Would you say that your life is marked right now by desperation for the Spirit of God?
With a desire so desperate, nothing else matters. We are in the world but not of it. We are not ice cubes in a glass of water saying "I want to be one with the water!" - we are the ice cubes that melt, the souls that cleave to the Holy Spirit. It is more than a desire or mental fixation, it is our human tendencies and sinful nature becoming less and the Spirit of the Lord becoming more.
We are not perfect. We will never be perfect. What we strive for is not perfection, but to do right. Not only do we strive for what is right, but we seek out situations that allow us greater opportunities to make His name known, to expand His kingdom, and to love with the same unending love. Where we are right now is exactly where God wants us to be, but when we pray "Go where you want me to go," we can trust that His plan for our future will unfold. He holds it in His hands.
In order to be challenged by the Holy Spirit, to accept it in our hearts as greater than ourselves, we have to let all else fall away. That is the part that isn't easy. As humans, we have desires for success, relationships, comfortable living... None of these are bad to want, but sometimes those get in the way of full surrender to Him. With a life marked by desperation for the Spirit of God, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.
God provides, God loves, God endures. What sweeter words could carry you through life? It's one thing to give up living life on your own terms, but it's another to know that you have a Savior who will carry you and guide you and lead you.
As humans, we hear things and we learn things but living with the Holy Spirit in our hearts is a constant undertaking. Sometimes we need reminding. We need renewal. We dwell on the past, we live out the future before it occurs, we have desires that are not motivated by bringing glory to God. What we think about is indicative of what is on our hearts. But Jesus, living in our world and dying with nails through his body, bought our freedom. We are free from the bounds of sin, free from guilt, free from anxiety, and free from all desires other than knowing the God who loved us so much that he sent his son to begin with. All of these freedoms are available to us if we choose to accept them.
And it is the same Spirit that brought Jesus back to life after three days that lives in our hearts.
With this in mind, let's amend our prayer...
Lord Jesus, I surrender to You and in the power of Your Spirit, I will...
Leave my comfortable living and accept the challenges You present, with the knowledge that You love and You provide,
Boldly live for You and desperately seek the Spirit so that all anxieties fall away,
Accept that my reputation and my circumstances are not as important as bringing others to Your kingdom,
Give my heart, my mind, my life and my very being to better serve you, and know that when it is all finished I will come home to You.